Professor Jin-Ji Chen
陳錦稷 教授
- 日本東京政策研究大學院大學訪問學者
- 美國華府威爾遜國際學者中心訪問學者
- 美國華府全球台灣研究中心訪問學者
- 淡江大學產業經濟學博士
- 倫敦政經學院經濟研究碩士
- 清華大學經濟研究所碩士
- 台灣大學經濟系學士
Area of Expertise: Management of Financial Products and Institutions
- 中信金融管理學院教授兼金融管理研究所所長
- 中興大學財金系、文化大學法律系、淡江大學產經系兼任教授
- 東南亞影響力大學(SIU)校長
- 全球人壽獨立董事兼審計委員會召集人
- 矽瑪科技股份有限公司獨立董事
- 世紀鋼構股份有限公司獨立董事兼審計委員會召集人
- 泰宗生物科技股份有限公司董事
- 台灣經濟研究院顧問
- 中華經濟研究院諮詢委員
- 中華民國全國創新創業總會會務顧問
- 財團法人新境界文教基金會副執行長
- 財團法人資訊工業策進會監察人
- 富邦金控/人壽/產險獨立董事
- 台灣金控獨立董事/台銀人壽獨立董事暨風險管理委員會召集人
- 亞洲航空獨立董事、秋雨印刷股份有限公司獨立董事
- 永豐金證券董事
- 行政院政務顧問、雲林縣政府財政局局長
- 財政部公益彩券監理委員會委員
- CHEN, Jinji, and Ling-Yu Chen (2022) “The Economic Impact of Diplomatic Switches between Taiwan and China: A Difference-in-Difference Analysis”, the 4th World Congress of Taiwan Studies, (working paper)
- CHEN, Jinji , Hong-yu Lin, and Yi-ting Lien (2021) “Taiwan’s Shifting Role in the Global Supply Chain in the U.S.- China Trade War”, Joint U.S.-Korea Academic Studies, Korea Economic Institute of America, vol. 32, 2021,
- “国際サプライチェーンの再編と台湾経済戦略の方向性”, 陳錦稷(2020), 台湾情報誌『交流』, 2020.12 No.957,
- 徐珮菱、陳錦稷,央行數位貨幣發展之法律與經濟分析,月旦民商法雜誌,第67期,2020年3月。
- CHEN, Jinji (2019) “Japan, Taiwan, and the future of ‘America First’ trade policy”, public event, Brookings Institution,
- CHEN, Jinji (2017) “A Study of the Trump Administration’s Economic Policy and Its Impact on Taiwan’s Economy”, Wilson Center,
- Tsung-Hsun Lu* and Jinji Chen, “A study on one-day candlestick patterns in the Chinese stock market”, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. (under review)
- CHEN, Jinji (2018) U.S.-Taiwan Economic Relationship Under Trump Administration’s New Economic Policy, the working paper of Taiwan Study in SOAS University of London
- CHEN, Jinji (2017) A New Dawn? The New Realities of U.S.-Taiwan Economic and Trade Relations, The Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars,
- CHEN, Jinji (2017) “Announcement Effects on M&As Within Financial Holdings and With Third Parties” The Empirical Economics Letters.,.【EconLit】
- Tsung-Hsun Lu, Yi-Chi Chen and Jinji Chen (2016) “Can Opening Prices Create Value for Investors in Taiwan?” Advances in Financial Planning & Forecasting, forthcoming.【EconLit; FLI;科技部財務領域B級】
- Chen, Jinji, ed., New Blue Print and New Path—Taiwan’s New Economic Model Initiative (Yunchen Culture: 2016). [in Chinese]
- 《新藍圖新活路-台灣新經濟模式倡議》,陳錦稷 編、導讀、結論(2016),允晨文化,台北
- Chen, Jinji, Chien-Hung Tung and Yao-Hua Liu (2015), “Economic Democracy” in Observations of Democracy: Reflections in 2014, Young Synergy Taiwan Foundation. [in Chinese]
- “經濟民主”, 陳錦稷、董建宏、劉曜華(2015),《民主觀察:2014回顧》, 財團法人青平台基金會
- Chen, Jinji (2015), “Public Finance and the Possibility of Participartory Budgeting,” Participatory Budgeting: Our Budget, Our Decision, Young Synergy Taiwan Foundation. [in Chinese]
- “財政實務與參與式預算的可能”, 陳錦稷(2015),《參與式預算:咱的預算 咱來決定》, 財團法人青平台基金會
- Chen, Jinji and Yi-Chuan Huang (2015), “Employee Compensation Friendly Plan,” New Blueprint for Young Labor, Young Synergy Taiwan Foundation. [in Chinese]
- “員工薪酬友善計畫”, 陳錦稷、黃義銓(2015), 《青年勞動新藍圖》, 財團法人青平台基金會
- Tsung-Hsun Lu* and Jinji Chen (2013) “Candlestick Charting in the European Stock Markets” JASSA-The Finsia Journal of Applied Finance, Issue 2 2013: p.p.20-25, Financial Services Institute of Australasia【SSCI; EconLit;科技部財務領域B級】
- ”Candlestick Charting in the European Stock Markets”, (with Tsung-Hsun Lu), Academy of International Business (AIB)﹐” Turkey:Istanbul﹐2013/7
- Chen, Jinji (2013), “Financial Autonomy to Implement Local Decentralization,” Collection of Papers from Conference on Sound Local Development and Governance, Lee Teng-hui Foundation. [in Chinese]
- “以財政自主落實地方分權”, 陳錦稷(2013), 《健全地方發展與治理研討會論文集》, 李登輝基金會
- Chen, Jinji (2014), “Problems with Pension Reform: Dysfunctional Values and Weak Social Foundation,” People-Oriented Creative Public Finance, Young Synergy Taiwan Foundation. [in Chinese]
- “年金改革前途堪慮─價值紊亂,社會基礎薄弱”, 陳錦稷(2014),《以民為本的創造性財政》, 財團法人台灣智庫
- “臺中市的創造性財政主張”, 陳錦稷(2014),《以民為本的創造性財政》, 財團法人台灣智庫
- “民主進步黨八年執政-財政篇”, 林全、陳錦稷(2013), 《民主進步黨八年執政研討會論文集》, 新境界文教基金會
- “國際間主權債務危機對我國政府財政的啟示”, 蘇建榮、陳錦稷(2012), 《國家經濟發展研討會論文集》, 群策會
- “從「準直轄市」到直轄市—新北市升格的財政分析”, 蘇建榮、陳錦稷(2010),《地方政府治理的新局與挑戰》第8章, 台北:新臺灣國策智庫, 頁137-158
- “行政院版「財政收支劃分法修正草案」的缺失與建議修正方向”, 林向愷、蘇建榮、陳錦稷(2010), 《地方政府治理的新局與挑戰》第9章, 台北:新臺灣國策智庫, 頁159-188
- “五都升格的迷失—地方政府財政問題的再探討”, 陳錦稷(2010), 《地方政府治理的新局與挑戰》第10章, 新臺灣國策智庫, 頁189-214
專欄文章 / Columns
- “陳錦稷專欄:台積電如何在美中競爭中保持平衡”, 陳錦稷(2019), 《新新聞》,
- “名家專欄- 公營行庫金融創新…再加油”, 陳錦稷(2019), 《經濟日報》,
- “陳錦稷專欄:中美能簽署第一階段貿易協議?”, 陳錦稷(2019), 《新新聞》,
- “名家觀點- 當心美中科技戰的震波”, 陳錦稷(2019), 《經濟日報》,
- “陳錦稷專欄:解決「五缺」吸引投資?舊政策思維”, 陳錦稷(2019), 《新新聞》,
- “陳錦稷專欄:中國經濟陰霾恐引爆全球金融海嘯”, 陳錦稷(2019), 《新新聞》,
- “Comments on the 2016 Central Government General Budget Proposal”, Newsletter, Taiwan Brain Trust, 2015.10
- “Economic Campaign Issues in the Presidential Campaign,” Newsletter, Taiwan Brain Trust, 2011.12
- “Poll Trends in the Presidential Election,” Newsletter, Taiwan Brain Trust, 2011.12
- “Economic Issues Become the Determining Factor in the Presidential Election,” Newsletter, Taiwan Brain Trust, 2011.11
- “Cross-strait Trade, Global Reach, Safety, Autonomy, and WTO Principle,” Newsletter, Taiwan Brain Trust, 2011.11
- “Taiwan’s Tax Reforms Against the Backdrop of the Debt Crisis in Europe and America,” Newsletter, Taiwan BrainTrust, 2011.10
- “The Review of the 2012 Budgetary Bill of the Taiwanese Government,” Newsletter, Taiwan Brain Trust, 2011.09
- “Taiwan’s Fiscal Setback Mirrored by the U.S. Debt Crisis,” Newsletter, Taiwan Brain Trust, 2011.08
- “China Faces Hidden Concerns about Stagflation,” Newsletter, Taiwan Brain Trust, 2011.07
- “The Impact and Significance of the Enacted Legislation on Luxury Tax,” Newsletter, Taiwan Brain Trust, 2011.04
- “Redefining Central and Local Government Powers After the Birth of Taiwan’s Six Metropolises,” Newsletter, Taiwan Brain Trust, 2010.12
- “2011 Budget Proposal Under Review,” Newsletter, Taiwan Brain Trust, 2010.11
- “Tax Cuts and Rising Expenditure Deepen Fiscal Hole,” Newsletter, Taiwan Brain Trust, 2010.08
- “Follow-up of the Signing of ECFA,” Newsletter, Taiwan Brain Trust, 2010.06
- “Emerging Market Project: Thailand,” China Development Industrial Bank, 2006.12
- “Emerging Market Project: Vietnam,” China Development Industrial Bank, 2006.11
- “M&A Law and Cases,” China Development Industrial Bank, 2006.10
- “Financial Policy after the Conference on Sustaining Taiwan’s Economy Development,” China Development Industrial Bank, 2006.08
- “Emerging Market Project: India, Turkey,” China Development Industrial Bank, 2006.07
- “Appraisal on Financial Holding Companies under Financial Reforms,” China Development Industrial Bank, 2006.04
- “A Study on Corporate Alternative Minimum Tax,” China Development Industrial Bank, 2006.04