Professor Ming-Chun Tsai
蔡明春 教授
國立交通大學 應用數學系 博士
- 中信金融管理學院企管系主任
- 中華大學企業管理學系系主任
- 中華大學經營管理研究所所長
- 中華大學企業管理學系教授
- 中華大學傑出教學教師
- 財團法人證券櫃檯買賣中心監察人
- 財團法人商業發展研究院個案種子教師
- 國璽幹細胞、超微體生醫顧問
- 愛恆啟能中心、慢飛兒庇護工場顧問
- 財團法人資訊工業策進會計畫案顧問
- 工業技術研究院產經中心顧問
- 行政院公共工程採購評選委員
- Tsai, Ming-Chun, Lin, Shu-Ping and Cheng, Ching-Chan, A comprehensive quality improvement model: integrating internal and external information, TQM & Business excellence (SSCI). On line.
- Teng, Chien-Chung, Tsai, Ming-Chun*, Pei, Wen. The Critical Factor of Mobile Service in Fitness clubs, International Journal of Mobile Communications (SSCI). 19, No.6, 2021,772-793.
- Cheng, Ching-Chan, Wu, Hung-Che, Tsai, Ming-Chun*, Chang, Yu-Yuan; Chen, Cheng-Ta. Identifying the strategic implications of service attributes of wedding banquet halls for market competition and risk management. International Journal of Hospitality Management (SSCI, Impact factor= 6.701), 92, 2021, 1-12. (SSCI)
- Cheng, Ching-Chan; Wu, Hung-Che; Tsai, Ming-Chun*; Chang, Yu-Yuan; Chen, Cheng-Ta, Determinants of customers’ choice of dining-related services: the case of Taipei City, British Food Journal, Vol. 122 No. 5, 2020, 1549-1571. (SCI)
- Cheng, Ching-Chan, Chang, Ya-Yuan, Tsai, Ming-Chun*, Chen Cheng-Ta, Tseng Yu-Chun, An evaluation instrument and strategy implications of service attributes in LOHAS restaurants, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Vol. 31, No. 1, 2019, 194-216. (SSCI)
- Tsai, Ming-Chun, Lin, Shou-Yen, Lin, Shu-Ping, A Comparison of Mobile Banking Service Quality between APP and Web Browser, International Journal of Mobile Communications, 16, No. 4, 2018, 377-397. (SSCI).
- Tsai, Ming-Chun, Chien, Yu-Ya, Cheng, Ching-Chan, Upgrading service quality of mobile banking, International Journal of Mobile Communications, 16, No. 1, 2018, 82-115. (SSCI).
- Tsai, Ming-Chun, Cheng, Ching-Chan, Lin, Shu-Ping, Lin, Jia Chi, Drivers of the Job Performance Model: Full-Time Employee VS. Part-Time Employee, International Journal of Performance Measurement, Vol.7, No.1, 2017, 53-90.
- Cheng, Ching-Chan, Tsai, Ming-Chun*, and Lin, Chien-Lin. “Quality education service: put your feet in their shoes.” Current Issues in Tourism. Vol. 19, No. 11, 2016, 1120-1135. (SSCI)
- Cheng, Ching-Chan, Tsai, Ming-Chun*, Lin, Shu-Ping. Developing the Strategy for Improving Service Quality of Casual-Dining Restaurants: New Insights from Integrating IPGA and QFD Analysis, TQM & Business excellence. Vol. 26, No.3, 2015, 415-429. (SSCI)
- Tsai, Ming-Chun, Lin, Chien-Lin, Bridge the Gaps: From Deficiency to Superior Service, Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research. 19, No. 4, 2014, 389-415. (SSCI)
- Lin, Chien-Lin, Tsai, Ming-Chun*, How Well Do You Know Your Customers? A Three Dimension Gaps Analysis, International Journal of Performance Measurement, Vol. 3, No.1, 2013, 65-90.
- Tsai, Ming-Chun, Cheng, Ching-Chan, Consumers’ Intention to Use Mobile-Menu and Destination Clusters, International Journal of Mobile Vol.11, No.1, 2013, 36-55. (SSCI)
- Tsai, Ming-Chun, Chen, Lu-Fang, Chan, Ya-Hui, Lin, Shu-Ping, Looking for potential service quality gaps to improve customer satisfaction by using new GA approach, TQM & Business excellence, Vol. 22, No. 9, 2011, 941-956. (SSCI)
- Tsai, Ming-Chun, Lin, Shu-Ping, Chan, Ya-Hui, Service failures identification: The involvement of the interrelation effect in service practices, African Journal of Business Management, Vol. 5, No. 6, 2011, 2301-2311.
- Tsai, Ming-Chun, Lin, Shu-Ping, Cheng, Ching-Chan, Lin, Yen-Ping, The consumer loan default predicting model – An application of DEA-DA and Neural network, Expert Systems With Applications, 36, 2009, 11682-11690. (SCI, EI)
- Lin, Shu-Ping, Chan, Ya-Hui, Tsai, Ming-Chun, A Transformation Function Corresponding to IPA and Gap Analysis, TQM & Business excellence, Vol. 20, No. 8,. 2009, 829-846. (SSCI)
- Huang, Shiao-Yan, Lin, Ching-Wen, Wong, Seng-Lee, Tsai, Ming-Chun, The impact of ERP implementation on business performance – an integrated investigation model, International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management, Vol. 12 , No. 4, 2007, 342-359. (EI)
- Tsai, Ming-Chun, Lin, S.-P., Liu ,Y., Chang, Ming, Chen, C. H., The Relative Efficiency of Decision Making Units: A Case Study of TFT-LCD Industry in Taiwan, International Journal of Business and Systems Research (IJBSR), Vol. 1, No. 2, 2007,182-199.
- Tsai, Ming-Chun, Shih, Kuang-Hsun, Jason C.H. Chen, A comparison of the service quality of fast food chain franchises, International Journal of Services and Standards, Vol 3, No.2, 2007, 222-238.
- 鄭青展、蔡明春、張雅媛、粘哲豪,辨識樂活餐廳服務品質改善因素與發展改善策略,績效與策略期刊,18(1),2021,P39-60。
- 鄧建中、蔡明春、鄭青展,健身俱樂部服務品質提升策略之研究,績效與策略期刊,17(2),2020,P1-22。
- 鄭青展、蔡明春,大學餐廳難生存?從顧客角度探討學校餐廳經營的關鍵因素,績效與策略期刊,16(2),2019,P1-26。
- 簡育雅、蔡明春,行動銀行服務品質之競爭分析,台灣銀行季刊,69(3),2018,P87-108。
- 林淑萍、蔡明春、詹德恩,疑似洗錢或資恐交易態樣系統監控,證券公會季刊,107年第四季,P6-12。
- 鄭青展、蔡明春、張雅媛,台灣互動電視前在消費行為意向模式,台北海洋技術學院學報,3(2),2010,24-53。
- 蔡明春、林淑萍、蔡榮森,電信產業企業客戶通信服務品質缺口之研究—以高科技產業為例,績效與策略期刊,7(2),2010,49-62。
- 蔡明春、鄭青展、馮淑鈴、陳坤志,中小企業貸款違約預警模式—以某商業銀行為例,文大商管學報,14(1),2009,19-40。
- 蔡明春、吳羿蓁,宅配業顧客關係慣性與忠誠度之關係模式,中華管理學報,10(1),2009,1-18。
- 鄭青展、李紫雯、張雅媛、蔡明春,網路報稅資訊系統之品質缺口分析,知識經濟學報,5(1),2009,68-85。
- 蔡明春、鄭青展、林淑萍,大學生線上遊戲成癮對身心健康與學習態度之影響—以台灣北區六所大學為例,台灣衛誌,27(2),2008,143-157。(TSSCI)
- 蔡明春、劉思穎、張瑞玲、陳怡君、吳淑禎,國內速食店食品品質之比較,績效與策略研究,3(2),2006,95-112。
- 蔡明春、鄒邽郲、鄭青展,直接人員工作績效之研究–以蘇州臺商監視器零件產業為例,華人前瞻研究,2(1),2006,43-52。
- 施光訓、蔡明春、陸仲華,IPO議價因素之探討─承銷商觀點,會計與公司治理,2(2),2005,79-108。
- 蔡明春、鄭青展、李日興,大陸直接員工職能與工作績效之研究—以台商監視器零件產業為例,文大商管學報,10(1),2005,53-74。
- 蔡明春、蔡少斌、劉興臺,新竹市中小學推展網路教學之障礙,新竹師院學報,20,2005,245-268。(TSSCI觀察名單)
- Ming-Chun Tsai, Chien-Lin Lin, A Multi-facet Service Excellence Model, The 19th Asia-Pacific Decision Sciences Institute Conference (APDSI 2014), 2014.
- Ming-Chun Tsai, Service Quality Detection and Service Failure Improvement Models, International Conference on Business and Information 2012, 2012, B566-577.
- Ming-Chun Tsai, Ching-Chan Cheng, A Study on of Inertia Type and Inertia relational model, 19th Triennial Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS) (Melbourne, Australia), 2011.
- Chien-Lin Lin, Ming-Chun Tsai, Bridge the gaps: examining restaurant service quality from the perspectives of customers, management and employees, 19th Triennial Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS) (Melbourne, Australia), 2011.
- Ming-Chun Tsai, Shu-Ping Lin, Ya-Hui Chan, Integrating Perceptions of Customer and Manager to Identify the Powerful Service Quality, International Conference on Business and Information (Kitakyushu, Japan), 2010.
- Ming-Chun Tsai, Chien Ling Huang, Chien-Lin Lin, A Study of Online Customer Satisfaction Model: The Mediating Role of Customer Inertia, International Conference on Business and Information (Kitakyushu, Japan), 2010.
- Ming-ChunTsai, Chien-Lin Lin, Expectations and Perceptions in Restaurant Services: Three Dimension Gap Analysis, International Conference on Business and Information (Kitakyushu, Japan), 2010.
- Shu-Ping Lin, Ya-Hui Chan, Ming-Chun Tsai, A Transformation Function Corresponding to IPA and GAP Analysis fon Constructing a Comprehensive Resource Distribution Model, the International Conference of APIEMS 2007, Taiwan, 2007.
- Shu-Ping Lin, Ya-Hui Chan, Ming-Chun Tsai, Developing indicators of HRM effectiveness for Taiwan’s healthcare organizations, ACME international conference (Hawaii, USA), 2006.
- Ming-Chun Tsai, Shu-Ping Lin, Ssu-Ying Liu, Shang-Wen Chung, A Study of the Competence of R&D Workers in the TFT-LCD Industry, ACME international conference (Hawaii, USA). 2006.
- Ming-Chun Tsai, Ching-Chan Cheng, The lagged effect of R&D expenditure influences on the performance of High-tech industry, ACME international conference (Hawaii, USA).2006.
- S.-P. Lin, Ming-Chun Tsai. and S.-Y .Liu ,(2005), “Productivity and Efficiency of LCD Industry in Taiwan: An Application of Malmquist Productivity Index”, 2005 6 th APIEMS Conference in Manila, Philippines, No.2208,1-12.
- Ming-Chun Tsai, Kuang-Hsun Shih, Chien-Jou Kuo, Ming-Hsiao Yen and Yi-Tzu Wu(2005), A Comparision between the Service Quality of McDonald’s and Kentucky Fried Chicken in Taiwan., (2005 ACME) Proceedings of International Conference on Pacific Rim Management.
- 2021資料創新應用競賽―內政黑客松「榮譽獎」
- 2020第二屆「信義房屋」大專院校創意提案爭霸賽「第二名」
- 2021資料創新應用競賽「銀牌獎」。
- 賀力行、林淑萍、蔡明春,統計學—觀念、方法與應用,第四版,前程企管,臺北,民國九十七年。
- 地創人生專案計畫,計畫主持人,內政部,2021/5/1 ~ 2021/11/30。
- 蚊子館智慧辨識與活化分析,計畫主持人,內政部,2021/4/29~2021/11/15。
- 人口高齡化與獨居化之經濟再生性分析與地區資源健檢,計畫主持人,內政部,2019/8/1~2019/12/31。
- 大數據模型優化工程,計畫指導教授,中信金控,2019/2~2019/7。
- 凱照大數據研究計畫,計畫主持人,凱照股份有限公司,2018/1~2018/6。
- 疑似洗錢或資恐交易態樣系統監控研究,協同主持人,中華民國證券商業同業公會,2018/3~2018/9。
- 電力需量最佳化與列車增班影響評估分析服務,協同主持人,台灣高速鐵路股份有限公司,執行期間:2016/1-2017/1。
- 新竹縣為民服務專線滿意度調查,計畫主持人,中華電信新竹營運處,2016/9~2017/3。
- 創意糕餅市集行銷計畫,計畫主持人,世奇食品股份有限公司、普羅食品股份有限公司、江記永安食品股份有限公司,2015/10~2016/3。
- 國璽產品行銷與品牌管理計畫,計畫主持人,國璽幹細胞股份有限公司,2015/10~2016/3。
- 超微體產品行銷與品牌管理計畫,計畫主持人,超微體生醫科技股份有限公司,2015/10~2016/3。
- 普羅食品創意行銷企劃,計畫主持人,普羅食品股份有限公司,2014/12~2015/5。
- 學界協助中小企業科技關懷計畫-「糕餅產業食品安全、創意行銷與經營效益輔導計畫」,協同主持人,經濟部技術處,2014/5~2014/10。
- 新竹市清運網APP滿意度調查,計畫主持人,中華電信新竹營運處,2014/3~2014/11。
- 網路商店服務優化:服務缺失辨識與服務改善設計,計畫主持人,科技部,2013/8~2014/7。
- 系統服務產業應用研究-智慧綠建築智慧化分析模組 之預測模型建構,協同主持人,財團法人資訊工業策進會,2013/4~2013/12。
- 台商回台問卷調查計畫,計畫主持人,工業技術研究院,2013/5~2013/6。
- 根留台灣廠商問卷調查計畫,計畫主持人,工業技術研究院,2013/5~2013/6。
- 行政院暨所屬機關數位學習發展現況暨培訓效能提升之研究,協同主持人,人事行政局,2010/1~2010/6。
- 服務品質關鍵因素之探討–結合顧客與管理者觀點之兩階段模式,計畫主持人,國科會,2009/8~2010/7。
- 蔡明春,LOVE&ARTS夢想+圓夢工程,2020,中國信託個案。
- 蔡明春,希望工程價值再造,2020,中國信託個案。
- 蔡明春,隊友換人當,卡戰如何打?–Costco聯名卡風暴,2019,中國信託個案。
- 蔡明春,啟動信扶-開啟幸福,2019,中國信託個案。
- 蔡明春,慢飛咖啡夢想起飛,2016,財團法人商業發展研究院個案。