Professor Shu-Ping Lin
林淑萍 教授
國立清華大學 統計所博士
經 歷/ Working Experiences
- 中華大學科技管理學系(所) 教授– 2010年02月 ~ 2017年01月
- 中華管理績效評鑑學會–永續發展與管理策略期刊總編輯 2010年06月 ~ 2015年06月
- 中華大學科技管理學系(所) 系主任– 2009年08月 ~ 2012年07月
- 香港大學訪問學者–自殺防制研究中心 2007年01月 ~ 2007年01月
- 中華大學科技管理學系(所) 副教授– 2005年08月 ~ 2010年01月
- 香港大學統計暨精算學系–訪問學者 2005年06月 ~ 2005年08月
- 中華大學財務管理學系 系主任 2003年08月 ~ 2005年07月
- 中華大學學生輔導中心 主任 2003年01月 ~ 2003年07月
- 中華大學工業管理系 副教授 2001年01月 ~ 2005年08月
期刊、研討會論文 / Journal Papers
Peer Reviewed Journal Papers
- Mei-Lan Li, Shu-Ping Lin, Ya-Hui Chan, Chia-Huei Wu, Customer Involvement Facets Stimulating Customers’ Intention to Use Internet Only Bank Service in China: The Extension of Perceived Risk-Value Model, Journal of Organizational and End User Computing , Vol.33, Issue 5, 2021, 74-97(SSCI)
- Ming-Chun Tsai, Shou-Yen Lin, Shu-Ping Lin*,(2018), A Comparison of Mobile Banking Service Quality between APP and Web Browser. International Journal of Mobile Communications. 16(4), 377-398 (SSCI)
- Ming-Chun Tsai, Ching-Chan Cheng, Shu-Ping Lin*, Jia Chi Lin, Drivers of the Job Performance Model: Full-time employee VS. Part-time employee. International Journal of Performance Measurement, 7(1).
- Chan,Ya-Hui, Shu-Ping Lin*, The Impact of Perceived Service Recovery and Involvement on Customer Behavior Patterns: The Mediated Effects Examination. Journal of accounting, finance & management strategy, 12(2), 1-39.
- Shu-Ping Lin, Chen-Lung Yang, Han-Chung Pi(student), and Thao-Minh Ho(student) (2016). Tourism guide cloud service quality : What actually delights customers? SpringerPlus (SCI) 5:1712, page1-9.
- Lin, S.-P., Yang, C.-L., Ho, T.-M. (student) (2015), Tourism service quality improvement – “Early bird catches the worm”, Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 26:7-8, 793-810. (SSCI) NSC 101-2410-H-216-010
- Ching-Chan Cheng, Tsai, M.-C., Lin, S.-P. (2015), Developing strategies for improving the service quality of casual-dining restaurants: New insights from integrating IPGA and QFD analysis, Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 26:3-4, 415-429(SSCI)
- Hung-Yu Yang, Lin, S.-P, Ya-Hui Chan(2014), Building an effective Human Resource Management system using the DEMATEL method, International Journal of Performance Measurement, 4(1), 1-14.
- Lin, S.-P., Hsieh, C.-Y(student),Ho, T.-M. (student).(2014/3) Innovative healthcare cloud service model. Applied Mechanics and Materials Vols. 543-547 (2014), 4511-4513. (EI) NSC 101-2410-H-216-010.
- Lin, S.-P., Wang M.-J.(student)(2013/3), Applying the Transtheoretical Model to Investigate Behavioral Change in Type 2 Diabetic Patients, Health Education Journal, 72(2) 189–202. (SSCI)
- Lin, S.-P., Wang M.-J. (student) (2012), Strategic Management of Behavioral Change in Type 2 Diabetic Patients, Public Health, 126(1), 18-24. (SSCI,SCI)
- Tsai, M.-C., Chen, Lu-Fang(student), Chan, Y.-H. (student), Lin, S.-P. (2011), Looking for potential service quality gap to improve customer satisfaction by using new GA model. Total quality management & business excellence , 22(9), 941-956 (SSCI) (NSC 98-2410-H-216 -011)
- Lin, S.-P., Chan,Y.H(student) (2011)., Enhancing service quality improvement strategies by integrating Kano’s model with importance-performance analysis. International Journal of Services Technology and Management (IJSTM), 16(1), 28-48 (EI)
- Tsai, M.-C., Lin, S.-P., Chan,Y.-H. (student), (2011), Service Failures Identification: The Involvement of the Interrelation Effect in Service Practices. African Journal of Business Management,5(6), 2301-2311 (SSCI)
- Lin, S.-P., (2011). Determinants of Adoption of Mobile Healthcare Service. International Journal of Mobile Communications.9(3),298~315(SSCI) (NSC 97-2410-H-216-005)
- Chen, L.-F. (student), Lin, S.-P.* and Lin, Yu-Chen(student), (2010). Application of IPA and Back-Propagation Neural Network to Build a New Service Quality Decision Making Model. International Journal of Information and Management Sciences, 21(3), 315-330. (EI) (NSC 98-2410-H-216 -011)
- Lin, S.-P., Yang, C.-L., Chan,Y.-H. (student), Chwen Sheu, (2010/8). Refining Kano’s ‘quality attributes – satisfaction’ model: A moderated regression approach. International Journal of Production Economics, 126, 255-263. (SCI)
- Ho, L.-H., Chung, C.-W. (student), Lin, S.-P. and Chen, L.-F. (student) (2010), Visitors’ Involvement, Perceived Value, Satisfaction and Behavioral Intention on Tourist Express Trains in Taiwan, the International Journal of Services Technology and Management , 13(3/4), 305-322. (EI)
- Wang M.-J. (student), Lin, S.-P (2010/1)., Study on Doctor-Shopping Behavior: Insight from Patients with Upper Respiratory Tract Infection in Taiwan, Health Policy, 94(1),61-67. (SSCI, SCI)
- Yang, C.-L., Lin, S.-P., Chan,Y.-H. (student), Chwen Sheu (2010), Mediated effect of environmental management on manufacturing competitiveness: An empirical study, International Journal of Production Economics, 123, 210-220. (SCI) (2008, impact factor :2.026)
- Lin, S.-P., Yang, H.-Y(student) (2009/11). Exploring Key Factors in the Choice of e-Health Using an Asthma Care Mobile Service Model, Telemedicine Journal and e-Health, 15(9), 884-890 (SCI) (2008, impact factor : 1.389)
- Tsai, M.-C., Lin, S.-P.*, Chen, C.-T. (student), Lin Y.-P. (student) (2009), The consumer loan default predicting model – An application of DEA-DA and Neural network, Expert Systems With Applications, 36 (9), 11682–11690.(SCI)
- Lin, S.-P., Chan,Y.-H. (student), Tsai, M.-C (2009), A transformation function corresponding to IPA and Gap analysis , Total quality management & business excellence, 20(8),829-846 (SSCI).
- Huang, J.-C. (student), Lin, S.-P. (2009), Exploring the Key Factors in the Choice of Home Telehealth by Using Health Belief Model, Telemedicine Journal and e-Health, 15(1),87-93. (SCI)
- Lin, S.-P., Yang, H.Y. (student), Chan,Y.-H. (student), Yang,C.C. (2008) , ” Developing indicators of HRM effectiveness for Taiwan’s healthcare organizations”, Journal of Management, 25(4),441-449.(TSSCI).
- Tsai, M. C., Lin, S.-P., Liu ,S.Y. (student), Chang, Ming, Chen, C. H.,(2007) The Relative Efficiency of Decision Making Units: A Case Study of TFT-LCD Industry in Taiwan, International Journal of Business and Systems Research, Vol. 1, No. 2, 2007,182-199.
- Lin, S.-P., Lee, C. H., Lu, Y.-S., Ling-Nu Hsu (2006/12). A Comparison of MICU Survival Prediction Using the Logistic Regression Model and Artificial Neural Network Model. The journal of Nursing Research, 14(4) ,306-31. (TSSCI)
- Lin, S.-P., Chao, A., (2005). Discrete-Time vs. Continuous-Time Capture -Recapture Models—In Honor of the Retirement of Professor T.Y.Hwang’s Retirement. Journal of Chinese Statistical Association, 43(2), 199-215.
- Chao, A., Lin, S.-P., Yang, H.-C. and Yip, P. S. F. (2000).The analysis of Hong Kong Big Bird Race data for the year of 2000. Journal of Chinese Statistical Association,38, 231-241. (In Chinese with English abstract)
- 楊紅玉、林淑萍,「醫院管理績效提升策略」,績效與策略研究,11(1),1-20(2014)。
- 林蔚君、林淑萍、Roger R. Gung、余承叡、吳維文、吳怡欣(2014/03),「智慧綠建築節能因子之研究」,永續發展與管理策略期刊,6(1),15-32.
- 林淑萍、楊元康、蕭淑玲、楊明遠(2014/1),「彩染網路社群創新服務設計之研究」,先進工程學刊,9(1),17-26。
- 陳正雄、林淑萍、詹雅慧(2012/7),「服務品質管理預警系統之建構與應用:以臺北松山機場為例」,北商學報,22, 31-50。
- 蔡明春、林淑萍、蔡榮森(學生) (2010),「高科技產業企業客戶通信服務品質缺口之研究」,績效與策略研究,7(2),49-62。
- 蔡明春、鄭青展(學生)、林淑萍(2008),「大學生線上遊戲成癮對身心健康與學習態度之影響—以台灣北區六所大學為例」,台灣公共衛生雜誌,27(2),143-157。(TSSCI) 。
- 楊紅玉(學生)、林淑萍、劉思穎、張耿銘、邱柏衡、甘明玉(2008),「門診病患對服務品質的重視度及滿意度調查分析-以某醫學中心為例」,健康管理學刊,6(2),171-184。
- 陳璐芳(學生)、林淑萍、吳書瑩(學生) (2008),「溫泉會館顧客消費動機、滿意度與忠誠度之相關性研究」,中華管理學報,8(2),41-60。
- 林淑萍、楊紅玉(學生)、楊建昌(2008),「醫院主管領導型態與領導效能之因果關係研究-以護理主管為例,醫院期刊,41(2),91-101。
- 林淑萍、李瑋詢(學生),詹雅慧(學生) (2007),「人力銀行服務品質之研究-Kano二維品質及IPA整合模式之應用」,績效與策略研究,4(2),1-17。
- 林淑萍、黃劭彥、蔡昆霖(學生) (2007),「企業危機預警模式之研究—DEA-DA、邏輯斯迴歸與類神經網路之應用」,會計與公司治理,4(1),35-56。
- 洪麗真、林淑萍 (2006),「員工-組織價值觀契合度與工作滿足之關聯性研究—以某地區教學醫院為例」,中華管理學報,7(1),61-72。
- 林淑萍、蘇韻蓉、廖春玉 (2006),「MAS金錢態度量表之信度與效度之研究:以台灣私立大學學生為例」,績效與策略研究,2(2),85-102。
- 林淑萍、楊紅玉、楊建昌(2005),「醫院對勞退金新制之因應策略分析」,醫院期刊,38(3),1-21。
- 蔡明春、林淑萍、楊紅玉、方佳瑜(2005),「高科技產業對勞退金新制因應策略之探討」,績效與策略研究,2(1),59-77。
- 林淑萍、劉思穎、張陞灴(2005),「電信服務中心服務品質績效考核之研究-以中華電信新竹服務處為例」,中華管理學報,special issue,63-72。
- 林淑萍、李奇學、陳冠樺(2005),「護理人員職能特質差異性之研究」,醫院期刊,38(2),1-21。
Peer Reviewed Proceedings
- Lin, S.-P., Yang, C.-L., Ho, T.-M., (2016/7), Determinant factors toward healthcare cloud services-user perspective differences, 2016 Academic world 35 International Conference. Saint Petersburg, Russia, 11 July 2016.
- Lin, S.-P., Yang, C.-L., Ho, T.-M., (2015/5), Advanced e-learning quality improvement methods in government organizations, The 2015 International Conference on Technology, innovation, and industry Management, Bari, Italy 27-29 May 2015
- Lin, S.-P., Yang, C.-L., (2014/8), A novel decision method for moderator variable identification under small sample size, The 12th International Conference on Information and Management Sciences (IMS2013), China.
- Lin, S.-P., Yang, C.-L., Pi, H.-H.,Ho, T.-M., (2014/7/18~7/22), Identification of Healthcare Cloud Service Demand, The 19th Asia-Pacific Decision Sciences Institute Conference, Yokohama, Japan.
- Yang, C.-L., Lin, S.-P., Lien, S._Y., Chwen Sheu , (2014/7/18~7/22), Supplier governance effectiveness: moderation effects of economic development and national culture, The 19th Asia-Pacific Decision Sciences Institute Conference, Yokohama, Japan.
- Meng-Bin Tang, S.-P. Lin, (2014/6), Health Care Professionals’ Reuse Intentions Model for Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment in Taiwan, The 2014 Asia Pacific Geriatric Conference, Taipei. (6/6~6/8)
- Lin, S.-P., Hsieh, C.-Y,Ho, T.-M..(2014/3) Innovative healthcare cloud service model. The 2014 2nd International Conference on Materials and Manufacturing Research (ICMMR 2014), Guilin, China.
- Lin, S.-P., Yang, C.-L., Ho, T.-M., (2013/8), Innovative improvement methods to service quality: A case of Taiwan travel agencies, The 12th International Conference on Information and Management Sciences (IMS2013), China
- Lin, S.-P., Lin, S.-Y., (2013/5), A study on the Adoption of Cloud technology service In Tourism, On behalf of the Organizing Committee of Technology, Innovation, and Industrial Management (TIIM) Conference 2013, Phuket, Thailand.
- Lin, S.-P., Ho, T.-M., Hsieh, C.-Y.(2013/3) Innovative improvement method for e-learning quality: A case of government organizations. The 2013 International Conference on e-Education, e-Business and Information Management (ICEEIM 2013) ,Beijing, China
- Chan, Y.-H., Lin, S.-P., Yang, C.-L. (2012/7), Service Failures Analysis and Recovery Planning on Telecommunication Service, Conference for the International Federation of Operational Research Societies 2012(IFORS 2012), Beijing, China.
- Lin, S.-P., Yang, C.-L., Ho, T.-H., (2012/8), Drivers and dependence power of hierarchical green supply chain management structure in uncertainty, The 11th International Conference on Information and Management Sciences (IMS2012), Dunhuang, China
- Lin, S.-P., (2012/7), A study on the service design model of healthcare cloud, The 2012 International Conference on Business and Information, Sapporo, Japan.
- Lin, S.-P., Chen, C.-P., Chen, J.-S.,(2012/4), Use TRIZ to Improve Service Quality: A Study of Healthcare Industry, The 2nd International Conference on Economics, Trade and Development– ICETD 2012, Bangkok, Thailand.
- Lin, S.-P., Chen, J.-S.,(2012/4), Acceptance and Usage of Innovative Service for the Elderly People:A System Dynamics Modeling Approach, The 2nd International Conference on Economics, Trade and Development– ICETD 2012, Bangkok, Thailand.
- Lin, S.-P., Jheng, H.-H. (2012/1) Study on the adoption of cloud computing technology exerts impact on the e-supply chain, The Third POMS-HK International Conference, HK.
- Lin, S.-P., Li, Z.-W. (2012/1) Develop a Bed and Breakfasts service quality model to connect service failures and recovery solutions systematically, The Third POMS-HK International Conference, HK.
- Lin, S.-P., Chan, Y.-H., Chen, P.-H. (2011/7), A Study on Constructing Green Consumption Behavior System by DEMATEL Method, Conference for the International Federation of Operational Research Societies 2011(IFORS 2011), Melbourne, Australia.
- Lin, S.-P., Chan, Y.-H. (2011/3), Service Quality Decision Making for Internet Protocol Television Service, The 2nd International Conference on Engineering and Business Management (EBM 2011), Wuhan, China.
- Yang,C.-L., Chan,Y.-H. ,Lin, S.-P. (2011/1), Effect of Supply Chain Integration on Customer Loyalty: An Examination of Taiwan’s Mobile Telecommunication Service, 2011 International Conference on e-Commerce, e-Administration, e-Society, e-Education, and e-Technology (e-CASE & e-Tech 2011), Tokyo, Japan. (With the Distinguished paper Award)
- Lin, S.-P., Chen, P.-H., Chan, Y.-H., Building a new SQ decision-making model to improve the service quality of vocational training, (2010/7), The 2010 International Conference on Business and Information, Kitakyushu, Japan.
- Chan, Y.-H., Lin, S.-P., (2010/7), A new model for service improve design, The 2010 International Conference on Business and Information, Kitakyushu, Japan.
- Tsai, M.-C., Lin, S.-P., Chan, Y.-H., (2010/7), Integrating perceptions of customer and manager to identify the powerful service quality, The 2010 International Conference on Business and Information, Kitakyushu, Japan.
- Lin, S.-P., Chan, Y.-H., (2010/5), Development of Airport Service Quality Warning Model: An Empirical Study on Songshan Airport, The 2010 International Conference in Management Science and Decision Making, Taipei, Taiwan.(EI)
- Lin, S.-P., Chen, Lu-Fang, Chan, Y.-H.(2009/6), What´s the valuable service gap for improving customer satisfaction,The 6th International Conference in Service Systems and Service Management (ICSSSM’09), Xiemen, China.
- Lin, S.-P., Yu-Chen Lin, Chen, Lu-Fang(2009/5), Research on Building New Service Quality Decision Making Model: Application of IPA and BPNN, The 2009 International Conference in Management Science and Decision Making, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Lin, S.-P., Chan, Y.-H., Jui-Chen Huang(2009/5), Enhancing the predicted capability of acceptance model for Home Telehealth: An unified model with moderating effects , The 2009 International Conference in Management Science and Decision Making, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Chen-Lung Yang , Shu-Ping Lin , Ya-hui Chan , Chwen Sheu(2008/7), Is Environmental Management an Extension of Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing Practices?The Second International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management , Taipei, Taiwan.
- Lin, S.-P., Chan,Y.H. and Tsai, M.-C.(2007/12) ,A transformation function corresponding to IPA and Gap analysis for constructing a comprehensive resource distribution model, Proceeding of the 8th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management System and 2007 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineering Conference, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
- Lee, C.H. , Lin, S.-P., Lin, C.-C, Li, T.-C. and Tseng, M.-W. (2006/7), A study on the effectiveness for “The National Health Insurance Project of Integrated Delivery System in Mountainous and Islet Districts in Taiwan based on the contents of service gaps model analysis, the 16th International Conference on Pacific Rim Management, Association for Chinese Management Educators (ACME), Hawaii, U.S.A.
- Lin, S.-P., Chan,Y.H. and Tsai, M.-C.(2006/7), Developing indicators of HRM effectiveness for Taiwan’s healthcare organizations” , the 16th International Conference on Pacific Rim Management, Association for Chinese Management Educators (ACME), Hawaii, U.S.A. .
- Tsai, M.-C. , Lin, S.-P., and Liu, S.-Y.(2006/7), A study of the competence of R&D workers in TFT-LCD industry, the 16th International Conference on Pacific Rim Management, Association for Chinese Management Educators (ACME), Hawaii, U.S.A.
- Lin, S.P., Y.-H Tai and Y.-P Lin (2006/6), A study on Money Attitude Scale, Financial Literacy and Consumer Loan Behavior, the third Sino-International Symposium on Probability, Statistics, and Quantitative Management, Taipei, Taiwan。
- Lin, S.-P., Tsai, M.-C. and Liu, S.-Y.(2005/12), Productivity and Efficiency of LCD Industry in Taiwan: An Application of Malmquist Productivity Index, 2005 6 th APIEMS Conference, Manila, Philippines.
- Chi-Hsuei Lee, Lin, S.-P., Cheng-Chieh Lin,Tsai-Chung Li and Ssu-Wen Hung(2005),”An Investigation on current practices of “the national health insurance broject of integrated delivery system in mountainous and is let districts” in Taiwan”, International conference of Pacific Rim Management, San Diego, U.S.A.
- Ho, L.-H., Lin S.-P. and Tsai, H.-Y.(2002). The study on comparison of performance assessment using Cluster Analysis and Analytic Hierarchy Process method: An Example of Taxi Business. The 2002 ICTPA Annual Meeting in Beijing, China, May 10-13, 2002,1-8.
Ministry of Science Technology/ National Science Council(科技部/國科會計畫)
- Study on the value of information for Wearable device of health care(健康照護穿戴式裝置資訊之價值性研究)2015-2016 MOST 104-2410-H-216-010
- Excellence service quality optimization management model.(服務品質優化管理之研究)2013-2014 NSC 102-2410-H-216-014
- A study on the service design model of healthcare cloud.(健康照護雲端服務設計模式之研究) 2012-2013 NSC101-2410-H-216- 010
- 以生命週期觀點建構創新醫療照護科技接受行為之管理系統—照護機器人為例 2011-2012 NSC 100-2410-H-216 -001
- 服務品質預警-改善管理系統之建立:以行動通訊產業為例 2010-2011 NSC 99-2410-H-216-004)
- 科技化服務品質模式發展之研究:評估指標之建立、關鍵品質要素之辨識與決策分析方法之建構與應用 2009-2010 NSC 98-2410-H-216 -011
- 遠距居家照護科技接受行為之預測:整合TAM、HBM及創新接受程度 2008-2009 NSC97-2410-H-216-005
Execution Plan(其他計畫)
- 疑似洗錢或資恐交易態樣系統監控研究,計畫主持人,中華民國證券商業同業公會,2018/3~2018/9。
- 新竹縣為民服務專線滿意度調查,計畫主持人,中華電信新竹營運處,2017/3~2018/2。
- 電力需量最佳化與列車增班影響評估分析服務,計畫主持人,台灣高速鐵路股份有限公司, 2016/1-2017/1
- Study on the value of information for Wearable device of health care (2015-2016), Ministry of Science Technology. (MOST 104-2410-H-216-010)
- 學界協助中小企業科技關懷計畫-「糕餅產業食品安全、創意行銷與經營效益輔導計畫」,協同主持人,經濟部技術處,2014/5~2014/10。
- Excellence service quality optimization management model (2013-2014), National Science Council. (NSC102-2410-H-216-014)
- A study on the service design model of healthcare cloud (2012-2013), National Science Council. (NSC 101-2410-H-216- 010)
- Building an acceptance behavior system of innovative healthcare technology based on life cycle perspective — An empirical case on healthcare robot (2011-2012), National Science Council. (NSC 100-2410-H-216 -001)
- Development of Service Quality Warning-Improving management System: An Empirical Study on Mobile Communication Service Industry (2010-2011), National Science Council. (NSC 99-2410-H- 216-004).
- 行政院暨所屬機關數位學習發展現況暨培訓效能提升之研究,人事行政局。
- 科技化服務品質模式發展之研究:評估指標之建立、關鍵品質要素之辨識與決策分析方法之建構與應用(NSC 98-2410-H-216 -011)
- 遠距居家照護科技接受行為之預測:整合TAM、HBM及創新接受程度(NSC97-2410-H-216-005)
- 賀力行、林淑萍、蔡明春著(2008),"統計學:觀念、方法、應用",前程企業管理有限公司,台北。
期刊 / 研討會 論文